Monday, June 18, 2007

Retail continued....

So I am (mostly to vent my spleen) going to list any and all customer stupidities I can think of or that occur. No, I am not going to name names. Most of the time, I don't know the idgit's name or care to. I will also rate each one as to the likelihood of it happening during an average day at the store I work at. I happen to be a cashier. (Yes, I know. Being a cashier sucks. Watch Clerks sometime.) Because I was born under some loser star, I am always at the returns desk. (Thank you, folks. I can feel the sympathy from those of you who have worked returns.)

Customer tries to exit out entrance doors which has a large sign on it saying NO EXIT in two languages. Then turns to me and says, "Can I get out these doors?" -- Extremely Common. Happens several times a day.

Customer approaches returns desk and asks if I can check them out. (Which, BTW, is against most stores' company policy. I don't make the rules, folks.) -- Also Extremely Common. Happens a few times each day.

Customer feels a pressing need to talk about their life, choices they made when young that I should avoid, or about the last time they saw a pretty girl. -- Very Common. Happens a few times each day.

Customer attempts to return item without a reciept, then once the return is finished, wants to argue about how much they paid for said item. (Keep your receipts, please! Items with no proof of price WILL be returned at current price. Again, I don't make the rules. I am just the poor SOB that got stuck behind this desk.) -- Common. At least every other day.

Well, that's enough for right now. Stay tuned for more reasons why store clerks hate the general public. Trust me, these examples are just the tip of a very large iceberg.

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Retail - the Horror of it all.....!

As the title implies, this rant will be about life in the retail world. A nasty little place, fit only for the innocent (fairly rare), the rich (as if! most of them order servants to shop for them), and the ignorant (rampant as usual). Let's face it, the only reason anyone works in retail is because they have no choice or have no idea what they are getting into. Suitable for first jobs and temporary financial havens (like my situation), no one with any brains stays longer than they have to. Buying and selling crap no one really needs is big business these days. Having worked at a certain store which shall remain nameless (since getting sued is not part of my plan in life) for over a year now, I have seen a lot. At a place where one thousand customers is considered a slow day, I see tons of people in one eight hour period. And, unfortunately, most of them are stupid.

Now, don't get me wrong. There is a difference between ignorant and stupid. When someone asks me which aisle an item is in, that's ignorance. When someone tries to walk in a door while you are locking it for the night, then argues with you about whether its really 7 o'clock yet, that's stupidity. Yes, that happened to me tonight. As anyone who has ever had to lock a door to a store knows, it's a fairly common occurance. FYI, I don't care what your watch says. I was told to lock the door, so I'm locking it. Argue with the management about what time our clocks are set at. I don't care.


The Rant Continues! News at eleven.....

Okay, so I suck at this journal type thing. Sue me.

My update reads as follows...

I have graduated from community college with great grades (thank you, please hold your applause!) and am suffering through another summer working in retail. This fall I will attend a huge university and will hopefully be unemployed so I can focus on homework.

All right, that's enough about me. Let's get on to the stupidty of the world!